Saturday, September 8, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes!!!

I knew it, one bad day, one great day!
EVERYONE came to Scott's yesterday and it was one fine day!
Whoop, whoop, hands raised, yippee!!!!
Sold 7 paintings and got commissions on two!
What was the big draw? (no pun intended, bahaha)
This painting right here!
I had 4 people that wanted it!
Remember the art classes?  This was my teaching subject!
Sold just like that!
I'm thinking today will be a busy day too!
Come on by (and the food is great, have I mentioned that? I mean like TOO good)
Scott Antique Market
South Building

Have a fabulous day today at whatever you choose to do!
Oh, and are you lovin this weather? WOW!


  1. That's awesome...Way to go...

  2. I know you are friends of Morgan Freeman. Did he die or is it a rumor?

  3. So excited for you on the big day...our new paintings are awesome!! Can't wait to get them hanging ~

  4. Hope you are okay....YOu haven't posted in over a week which is not like you.

  5. Just checking on you...hope you're okay.
