Monday, November 11, 2019

Beaching It! And The Blue Angels

I absolutely LOVE November at the beach.
The Florida handpandle that is.

So, we usually don't rent out our beach home for the months of November and December.
Plus that is a pretty slow time in the art world.

I've been down here for a week and then some of my kids/grandkids joined me!
The weather has been AMAZing! Except for Friday when we went to see THE MOST awe inspiring show.
The Blue Angels.
but first, I need to show you guys some beach sunset pics!

Just spectacular!

I mean can you even?

So some of my kids got here on Thursday night.
We literally had to convince them to go see The Blue Angels who were flying in Pensacola 1 1/2 hours away.
"they didn't quite understand what it was".
"W" and I saw them years ago in San Fransisco and I couldn't wait to watch this amazing show again. was pretty chilly and a cloudy, spitting rain kinda day but we headed out to Pensacola.

I cannot begin to explain how much everyone loved this.

Bennett started dancing to the music and we were standing right beside the media.
This was so funny. One of the writers for the Pensacola newspaper saw him dancing and wanted to interview him (and all of us)

In Ever's defense, she's only 11....although she looks 14.

I think I was sporting a Donald Trump combover.
*don't judge*😂

 We were all just in awe.  Really in awe.

But then we headed back home to Sandestin.
I've never seen the beach so beautiful!
And that night my newest lil g-baby came with his mom! (my youngest)

We call him little George Bush.
Her? We just call her beautiful.

He's got two little teeth and growing up SO fast!

missing my other two g-kids SO BAD! but they'll be here next week!

Honestly have you ever seen the water this beautiful?
 Evers showing one of her ballet moves!

Today we head home. Sadly.

But.....SO SO very thankful for all the Veterans who have unselfishly served our country.
Personally from our family, we genuinely cannot thank you enough.

Today? Thank a Veteran.

Have a terrific day y'all!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Before and After of a Beach House!

Last year we did a thing.
We bought a beach bungalow.
Now, I have to be honest.  I was a little hesitant.
We looked and looked and looked.
We were on a pretty strict budget and everything we were looking at was just well.
We honestly had just about given up.
We wanted a place that our family could use, one that could be easily updated without spending a fortune, and one that we could rent out.
In comes my youngest daughter and leave it to her, she hiked down to Sandestin to look at a home that we had tried unsuccessfully to view. (The owners were a bit weird about letting people look at it).
It completely fit the bill and we bought it site unseen.
It was everything we were looking for!

***we will be painting the shutters a pale green soon!
and I can't wait!
Let's see.....
It hadn't been updated in oh 18 or so years, and I mean big time dated.  It was on a rental program and most of all the furniture had to be replaced.  Appliances were extremely dated.
But, for us, the space worked and it was on a golf course which was a plus.
And, a short golf cart ride to the beach.
Lots of walking trails, and the tennis and golf at Sandestin is some of the best around.

I looked through some of my pictures from last December when we did our mini renovation so I'll try to walk you through it.
The outside of the home has tons of curb appeal, and a large wrap around porch in the back where golfers can hit their errant golf balls.
(I usually pick up about 5 a day when I'm here)
Lets start with my least favorite decorated part of the house......
The living room.
All of this furniture had to go and the rug was a disaster
As you can see there was a HUGE fake palm tree. That and the yellow floral couch and loveseat HAD TO GO.
Here it is now.

You may recognize that painting from the previous pic.
I painted over it😂
Let me break it down cost wise for you
Sectional - Macys - 1,800.00
Coffee table - Southeastern Salvage - 275.00
Rug - Tuesday Morning - 650.00
Lamps - Stock and Trade - 450.00 for the pair
Two new chairs - 1300.00 total
New side tables - Tuesday Morning - 200.00
Accessories - around 500.00

Next was the kitchen and dining.
First of all the refrigerator was too short. duh.

All new appliances, wacked off the tiered island to create a larger work space and allow for more seating.  Also removed all that clutter from the top of the cabinets.
The 2nd part of the renovation will be to change out the tile countertops, new sink and possibly paint the cabinets.
Let's break the cost down
New appliances were in the 5,000.00 range
Barstools - Ballards - 300.00
Removing tier of countertop and replacing - 2500.00
New lighting - 200.00

The Dining Room

Light fixture had to go.
Painted the table, changed out the art, new chairs, new rug.
Let's break it down
New chairs - Ballards - 500.00 total
Paint for table - 50.00
New chandelier - World Mkt. - 350.00
Rug - Stock and Trade - 500.00

I don't have before pics of the bedrooms but trust me.
But here they are now!

The furniture was usable, I just added the new bedding.  I painting the art and also spray painted the lamps and changed lampshades.
All the new bedding came from Frontgate Outlet and Stock and Trade pillows.  I think I spent about 300.00 for all of it.
SO easy to spray paint lamps. These were yellow before I painted them.  The key is to use the correct paint.  Ask me what kind in the comments and I'll be happy to respond.

So the 2nd bedroom had this Hawaiian theme going on.😳
This was after we painted it.
It was electric blue.
Like blinding electric blue.
Complete with the leis as the window treatments.
I'm serious.
Here is is now

I absolutely LOVE the crab print over the bed.
Shout out to my friend Matt who sells next to me at Roundop but I can't remember the company name😩
I can get it for you though if you must have that crab.

Let's break it down
All the furniture was left and is in great shape
Bedding - Restoration Hardware. (I'll spare you the cost because it was one of my more stupid moves)
Except, dust ruffle and shams - Bed, Bath, and Beyond which was about 200.00

and then there was the 2nd bath....
while I love orange, this had to go.

Obviously we painted.
But all the bathrooms in the house still need updating and that is our next project.

I also don't have pics of the upstairs. RATS

There was a large king bed up there and we decided to utilize space and put 2 queen beds up there for maximum sleeping potential.

All bedding I snatched at the Pottery Barn Outlet for a steal!
I think every bit of this was around 450.00

P.S. I chose not to add drapes to any of the windows, only blinds.
I was advised by many friends who rent their homes that sadly the damage to drapes is unimaginable.  SO, while the home would look SO much better with draperies, I'm not in the market of replacing them all the time.

SO....this is our little Beach Bungalow!
It's called "Golfing Around in Laurel Grove" and you can find it here!
Complete with a brand new 6 seater golf cart!

***that is when we're not using it😊

have a great day y'all!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Finally Ready for Fall

Here in the South we've waited....
We've sweated....
We've burned up.
Even the summer flowers are still blooming.
and it is November 2.
All the sudden the ceiling fell and it is now 33 degrees.
High today is 51.
What the heck?

I have not prepared myself for any fall clothing change.
Not that that would surprise anyone.
I literally wear black leggings and a black easy top to my studio
every. single. day.
and it usually has paint on it. Like everything else I own.

But, I love to window shoppe! are some fall things I love!
Some I'm even thinking about purchasing.

so I can stare at them in my closet 💁🏼

I will an effort to start keeping my waistline in tact, I bought a belt!
Sooooo. I'm going to try and stop wearing such slouchy clothing and start tucking my tops in.

*my sister will be so proud. 🙄

You know, I AM an artist and I really like dressing like one.
You know, flowy, loose fitting, artsy type clothing.
So why I let anyone make me feel bad about how I dress is, well.....
for another therapy session.

Anyway, here are some cuties I found!

I adore this dress from Anthropologie


I'm obsessed with this line of tops from....

This is going in my shopping cart

I have this and LOVE it!

I really want a pair of leather pants but cannot get the scene from friends where Ross starts sweating and can't get his leather pants off and puts baby powder all over his legs and then it turns to paste out of my head. still.
These are from Neiman's

Such a cute top from Neiman's by Rails but hint:
Sams Wholesale carries this line every now and then.....

My sister turned me on to this brand of AWESOME no wrinkle shirts. They are made by Foxcroft but you can also get them at Von Maur.
They come in tons of colors on the

I love anything purple

Free People

Free People


again, getting these things off?

Free People

I really, really want these!
The problem is they are 480.00.
For a pair of raggy overalls
Free People

Free People


In the South, I might get to wear this a handful of times.
But isn't it cute?

Have a terrific day y'all!