There it was right before our very eyes.....The most spectacular tree we'd ever seen.
It was calling our name......"Boggswolds, Boggswolds, Boggswolds" "come getttt meeeeee"
we looked and looked and finally settled on this beauty
I think. As I'm looking at this pic, I'm wondering where the other trees went. Hum, maybe we chose another one.
oh well! Gregory cut and W held (isn't the way that's supposed to work as your son gets older?)
and we had a little helper

so there it was, our shopping excursion for the perfect tree.
I have to admit, I was disappointed that it didn't hang off the front AND back of thestation wagon SUV
Now, this is what REALLY made my heart jump.
Some good ole Appalachian mountain pottery.
Oh be still me. Is he not the cutest thing you've EVER seen????
I went gaga over this Nativity scene
the colors were spectacular
along with a few other spectacular pieces
UM, this may be mine,,,,,or it may be someone's gift. I'm trying to decide how stingy I am this Christmas season.
more beauties
and more
If you're near Cedar Mtn., NC this is a "must go to" place
happy Saturday y'all!
We're getting the generator out and decorating our tree!
(unless it pops outta the ceiling and a squirrel comes jumping out)
at that point, we WILL get our moose cups out and drink some eggnog.
em.....shout out?
OH, you'll love this. Our next door neighbors are the Griswolds (seriously) and next to them are the Clarks. Everyone who comes to visit us thinks that's hilarious!
It was calling our name......"Boggswolds, Boggswolds, Boggswolds" "come getttt meeeeee"
The sun was glistening right through it. It was the one, I had to have it. just had to. The problem was?
it wasn't fer sale.
For my first shopping experience buying a "fresh" farm tree, I envisioned traipsing through woods as thick as the one to Grandmother's house. I even dressed for the occasion....
but this is what we found when we got there. Not only were most of the trees gone, most of the ones left were on hold for other folks.we looked and looked and finally settled on this beauty
I think. As I'm looking at this pic, I'm wondering where the other trees went. Hum, maybe we chose another one.
oh well! Gregory cut and W held (isn't the way that's supposed to work as your son gets older?)
and we had a little helper
so there it was, our shopping excursion for the perfect tree.
I have to admit, I was disappointed that it didn't hang off the front AND back of the
Now, this is what REALLY made my heart jump.
Some good ole Appalachian mountain pottery.
Oh be still me. Is he not the cutest thing you've EVER seen????
I went gaga over this Nativity scene
the colors were spectacular
along with a few other spectacular pieces
UM, this may be mine,,,,,or it may be someone's gift. I'm trying to decide how stingy I am this Christmas season.
more beauties
and more
If you're near Cedar Mtn., NC this is a "must go to" place
happy Saturday y'all!
We're getting the generator out and decorating our tree!
(unless it pops outta the ceiling and a squirrel comes jumping out)
at that point, we WILL get our moose cups out and drink some eggnog.
em.....shout out?
OH, you'll love this. Our next door neighbors are the Griswolds (seriously) and next to them are the Clarks. Everyone who comes to visit us thinks that's hilarious!
OMG. OMG. My mom collects face jugs.....I mean, she is a serious collector. I will have to go to this site and see if I can order online....thank you for posting it!!
ReplyDeleteYou need to plan a trip to see Jerry Browns pottery:
Mom is in Anniston, Al and would so do a day trip with you.....and she knows Jordan....I'm not trying to hook you up with a rank stranger.....
go watch some old home movies in the attic w/o heat and wearing vintage clothes....... :)
everytime i come to your house, i think of when eric emailed us saying he has a little "CHUCKLE" when he drives by the clarks and the griswolds.