Be still my red head/blue eyed lovin heart.
Okay....WOW ! I missed a day of blogging! A record for me (I think)
I'm in B'ham giving my sweet daughter and hub a much needed break.
All you CPA's out there probably understand how trying a time it is at this time of the year. Not just for you but for your whole family. Those 85 hr. weeks have got to take a toll on you.
Anyway, I jumped in the car and "Gigi to the rescue!" Sorta. I had a little help from lots of family.
I have had a wonderful little visit with all of my family this weekend. Friday I got to have dinner with my sweet brother and his wife Jack and Mary (Jack won't let me put pics of him up) and Sister along with J and E and the kids.
One in particular:
and of course had to bring her a little goody. Are these not the cutest things ever????
"Aunt Shim" aka...Sister got some Lil B lovin. (okay, she's the professional photographer - seriously and I'm always taking the pics of HER!) with my gbabies! Classic happy Lil B
waiting in anticipation for that NY Pizza (oh yummers)
he has wonderful concentration....okay, moving right along
"um are you going to change me?????"
I got to spend some quality time with another wonderful man in my life!
I love you daddy!
and then lunch with my other sweetheart Callimo

and finally a little dinner with this darling little [engaged] couple
Wedding date? Oct. 8

and finally a little dinner with this darling little [engaged] couple
Wedding date? Oct. 8
what a wonderful weekend packed full of fun with my fam!
have a fabulous Sunday y'all!
I'm headin home to get some much needed painting done!
have a fabulous Sunday y'all!
I'm headin home to get some much needed painting done!
Love these pics of B!!