Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy, Happy Easter everyone!!!

I love Easter. It is one of my all time favorite religious holidays.
Partly because I LOVE the clothes that I see everyone wearing.  Particularly the children.  I think I got that from my mom.
It was her favorite.  Every year she worked her poor fingers to the bones designing and hand making outfits for every one of her 14 grandchildren.  She was so proud of the amazing designs and WE were so proud of her.  Although I don't think we ever told her enough.  I regret that. And you know that is really, really a lot of work.  Before I go any further, tell your parents how much you love them this Easter.  They're your only ones you know, and they deserve to hear how much they mean to you.  I only wish I had one more week with mom to really tell her how much she meant to me.
 How much all of her hard work meant to all of us.  Easter really was her favorite holiday and although I'm happy that Christ died for us, I'm so sad that my mom was taken from us way too soon.
We went the The Church of the Highlands last night for Easter service and as usual his message did not disappoint.  I love that church.  It's laid back, dancing, everyone seems so happy.
The only problem? It's  Huge.  yes, there will be 14,000 going through that church this weekend.  And not only that.  It is the fastest growing church in the country!
When I was little we went out before every Easter and bought (or usually) made an Easter dress.
Along with a new dress, I love me a new pair of shoes. period.
Speaking of shoes, we had a little mix up last night and "W" had my shoes in his car and since he was not with us, I had to squeeze my big fat foot into a pair of J's causing me to have to sit down during a normal "standing up most of the time" service.  OH WELL.  I was there right?
Anyway, today I'm happy and I am sad.  I'm missing my mom on her favorite holiday, but I'm happy because it's Easter and Christ died for us.  Mom has passed on the tradition of loving this special day.
Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Your mom would have loved your blog today ... I am sorry you are missing her. Surely, she is smiling down on wonderful you with pride.
