Is there anything better than a friend (or family member) who lifts you up?
In a world where so many women tear each other apart it is SO refreshing to have friends who lift you up.
I am SO very lucky to have wonderful friends who genuinely make me feel good about myself.
I was looking at Instagram today and my friend Erin Gray
reminded me of the fact that GREAT things happen when women lift each other up...
her jewelry is AWESOME!!!!
She does the Wesleyan Artist Market with me and she kills it every show.
This weekend we celebrated my niece at THE most amazing home ever.
My niece is expecting her first child in December and her other aunt (on her mom's side) is Dana Wolter.
I wanted to snap pics of every room in her home but my daughters' reminded me of how rude that would be.
So glad they have my back
but seriously y'all. If you want to see some beautiful home designs look at her website.
And...I have to say how proud I am of her! She has raised her family and now is killing it in the design industry. She is known as a leader in the industry and one of Traditional Homes finalist for many, many years.
She is also super sweet.
So, back to my niece. My husband and I have 12 nieces and 8 nephews.
Sally is the oldest daughter of my brother.
I am so very excited for her and her husband John.
pics of her beautiful baby shower:
Sally holding Boggsy in one of my mom's outfits.
How cool is this? Dana has this (what we assume to be) an antique waiter's restaurant order wheel of some kind. Everyone wrote wishes for baby Jack!
The hostesses
My daughters, granddaughters and some of my beautiful nieces!
we served Bloody Marys with vege kabob's.
I loved how the cake blended with the art work!
Just a reminder to "lift a woman up" today!
We are all in this together.