Yesterday I had the honor of doing something I've never ever done before.
I'm ashamed to say, that.
I'm going to admit something to you, my sweet readers.
I've never given one penny to a homeless person holding up a sign on the side of the road.
Now, before you start piling on, hear me out.
I don't believe in just handing out money. I believe in empowering people to make it on their own.
I believe in teaching folks to do better in life.
Some might say that is a not really a good way of thinking.
But, it's the way I think.
I am a member of a FB group called "Giving Grace"
The administer of this group is, y'all. OMG I just don't know how Christy Betz does all that she does.
She physically organizes everything for so many different people who are in need.
She is quite frankly amazing.
One of the groups she helps with is called
Anyway, Christy put out on her group that they were in need of people to bring lunch every Thursday to 20 - 30 homeless folks who participate in a Bible Study and the programs that they offer.
I was in. I decided, ya know, I need to do this.
And I was so excited!
"sometimes you think you are blessing someone, but in reality, they are the one blessing you"
So, I made my way down to an area in Atlanta, Georgia where I had never been.
And most likely would not go back after dark.
I brought two buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken and homemade potato salad.
I didn't know what to expect!
So, when I got to Central Park in Atlanta I was met by some of the sweetest, most gracious folks I've ever met.
SO appreciative of my being there.
They also were painting! SO that was an extra benefit to me that I got to paint with these wonderful people!
I encourage all of you to do something for someone today. It's amazing how good it feels!
and really how little of your time it takes.
have a wonderful day y'all!