Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm ashamed :(

of myself.....

for letting this happen....

and this happen....

how pathetic am I?

the problem is, I'm terrible at gardening! Oh how I wish I could grow beautiful things like my friends Barbara and Wayne and one of my blog idols Slim Paley. uh um....www.slimpaley.com It's such a gift to have a green thumb.

So, as a gift to myself and to add another "I can do it" to my "I'm 50 and proud of it" list
(actually 51 is closing in tight)
I'm going to learn....

I started today and planted this:

and these precious little strawberry plants....

I almost pulled this little sucker right off and ate him....just for the heck of it!

and to my surprise! my rosemary and oregano (and a little parsley) went crazy over the winter!

Wish me luck chickies, I'll keep you up to date on my progress!

1 comment:

  1. You GO 50 and 3/4's Girl!! You can do it!
    Look at that little Fraise de Bois- the first ruby red one should go right into a glass of champagne!
