Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Best Laid Plans.....and The Circus!

Well.....we THOUGHT we would finish the move this weekend.
We didn't.
One more load this weekend and we are officially finished.
OMG.  Have I mentioned I hate moving?
This has been kind of complicated in that the new owners are buying some furniture and leaving some for us to move.
It's been a pain let me tell ya.
So, we took the stuff to store to Birmingham and spent the night with J and E.
Then, I said ya know what?  The circus is in Atlanta right now!
Why don't y'all come back to Atlanta and go to the Circus with us?
The Ringling Brothers circus!
So, they loaded up the car and came on!
I have only been to one circus in my life.  A little country circus which was actually really fun.
But that was as an adult.
So this was REALLY fun for me!  and I'm still an adult!
And by the way.  The animals looked very well taken car of.  So those of you who are animal activist out there need not worry. They looked like they were enjoying every minute of it.  And the trainers never hit them once.
So, of course camera was in tow, but I forgot my high powered zoom lens:(


 check this out.  they are hanging by their hair.

 we had ALOT of sweets.

 this was my favorite part!

 this was eight motorcycles riding VERY fast in this cage.  Very scary!

 and the dragon!
Guess what?  I'm over my painter's block!  I am painting ALL DAY!!!
have a wonderful day y'all!

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