Friday, November 12, 2010


Okay, someone asked what "W" does.
Well,,,,,for one, his name really isn't "W".  But, we'll keep that private.
(He's a lot more private than me).
Ya know, I tell you guys everything I do on a daily basis.
10 things about "W"
1) he's the smartest man I know
2) he's the most generous man I know
3) we've been married almost 30 blissful years (well, it hasn't always been blissful, but who's has???)
4) He's absolutely the best dad anyone could ask for (and my kids will 2nd that)
5) I love him to pieces
6) he just lost 20 lbs and is working out like a crazy man!
7) he's an entrepreneur
8) he's started many, many companies, taken them public and then sold them
9) he doesn't mind (well sometimes) if I buy shoes with red soles and he loves to give me jewelry!
10) he takes really good care of me
idn't he cute? (and he'll wear a pink shirt!)


  1. "W' is looking good...but he has always been a cutie...Sykes said...Lynn is skinny...

  2. does that make him like one of The Goodfellas-
    just kidding-
    I have surgery date written on my calendar for 11/18 still praying for your mom
    ps I think W is lucky to have you

  3. oh look at your new profile pic-
